"Comfortably Numb" by Pink Floyd
To understand where we're going, you should know where we came from –Frankston, TX, which is where we will begin our journey. Where the Sam-Hell is Frankston, you ask? No worries, no one ever knows where it is.
"This Old Town" by Tom Petty
Just know this sleepy town, in our opinion, is a place where religion is the law, the number of funeral homes exceeds the number of libraries, pre-existing ideas go unquestioned, and where curiosity is considered an act of sinful deviance. In other words, Frankston embodies everything we want to move away from, and strangely enough, it’s a big motivation for our road trip.
"I Gotta Move" by Ben Kweller
As opposed to the stifling mindset of our hometown, the open road symbolizes an open mind – something that we were not accustomed to while growing up. The open road would provide opportunities to discover new philosophies and ideas, challenge societal conditioning, and transcend the confines of rural, east Texas.