
"Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd

"Wait It Out" by Imogen Heap

I'm Haley -23 years old, a senior at the University of Texas, and making ends meet working at your typical office job in downtown Austin. During my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends, reading fiction, staying active, attending live shows, video games, and stimulating my taste buds with new kinds of coffee, beer, or wine. (After a couple of years, I'm certain I'll need my teeth whitened!)

I have an insatiable lust for life, and not a lot gets me down. I'd like to consider myself a restless soul, and honestly it gets me in trouble sometimes. But, we don't always have to know where we're headed, do we? Sometimes the beauty of life comes from the unknown, the unexpected, and I'm okay with that. In fact, I encourage it because it makes me feel alive.

The past four years have been devoted to class, papers, projects, one too many all-nighters, and although I wouldn't trade my collegiate experience for the world... I gotta move. I need a change of pace and scenery. So, good-bye carpal tunnel and caging classroom walls, and hello to the open road!

And, what better way to travel than with a best friend?!

"American Girl" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

"The Mountain" by Heartless Bastards

This is my best friend, Taylor -21 years old, full-time college student at the Art Institute of Dallas studying Advertising Design. On top of school, Taylor is a soon-to-be shift manager at a local Starbucks, and she still makes time for her friends and family!

There's never a dull moment when Taylor's around. Not only am I looking forward to our destinations, I'm looking forward to the space between our destinations --the downtime between the two of us. Because Taylor attends school in Dallas and I live in Austin, our road trip will give us an opportunity to catch up on lost time.

"Us" by Regina Spektor

"The Privateers" by Andrew Bird

Taylor and I both grew up in Frankston. We've been best friends for 4 years. We've never traveled together, let alone taken a road trip together. We've never been to California. We both would like a short break from our hectic lives, and summer is just around the corner. All of these ingredients makes for an excellent adventure, Haley and Taylor's Excellent Adventure!